Cedar Grove Veterinary Services

23 Hwy RR
Cedar Grove, WI 53013




Assessing pain in your cat

 Telling whether your cat is in pain or not can be very hard especially when you see them every day. What may look like a cat that is just laying down can really be a cat in pain. Sometimes we assume their reluctance to play or their difficulty using their litter box to be signs of "getting old".  The following visual aids can help us recognize the subtle signs our cats give us and give them the help they may need.

Assessing pain in your cat Chart 
If you would like to see the above diagram as an 8 x 10 PDF click here.  
Colorado State University has developed a pain scale that is very nice for assessing pain in cats. To see this pain scale click here. 


It is important to have your cat looked at by a veterinarian if you suspect a problem. Sometimes cats hide their pain at home or only give very subtle signs, but in a clinic setting it may become more obvious.